Sandra Brown - Thick as thieves (2020) ENG

data: – 22.09.2020, 16:52
Viste: 328
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Gruppo: VIP
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Twenty years ago, four men attempted to pull off the ultimate heist, almost walking away with half a million dollars. By daybreak, their plan had been shot to hell.

One was in hospital.
One was in jail.
One was dead.
And one got away with it.

Arden Maxwell is the daughter of the man who disappeared all those years ago, presumedly with the money in his pocket and blood on his hands. After years of running from her past, she is returning to her family home in Caddo Lake, Texas. Little does she know, two of her father's co-conspirators are still there. And they are watching her every move.

With Arden's arrival, the two old accomplices are set on red alert. One of these three knows more about the money, the murder and the betrayal than they are letting on. The truth rarely stays buried forever, and many would kill to uncover it.

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