Janine Infante Bosco -- Blackout (2021)

data: – 22.01.2021, 23:05
Viste: 316
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Gruppo: VIP
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Janine Infante Bosco -- Blackout (2021)


Every fairytale is just a tragedy with a twist.
And happily-ever-after is a fantasy.
Give me the real, ugly love of two people battling their demons to make it work.
Two people like us.
When the stakes have never been higher, I turn to my past.
After all, it’s our favorite sins that always do us in.
But even in the midst of my blackout, there she is.
The beacon of light I don’t deserve.
As strong as she is, though, she’s fighting the darkness too.
Trying with all her might not to get lost once again.
For herself. For me. For our daughter who never asked for even a moment of this chaos.
We’re two tortured souls, navigating Hell just to find a slice of Heaven.

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