[PC] Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut UPDATE 1 (2014) - ITA

Categoria: Giochi / Giochi PC
data: – 02.04.2014, 03:06
Viste: 1 062
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CPY has released the first update of “Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut” for PC.



- AI-related bug fixes.
- The bug causing disappearing personality dialogs in the Chase & Chet
Wagner conversations has been fixed.
- Miscellaneous fixes for a Sarif conversation when using pheromones.
- Texture issues in Sarif HQ, Detroit, Hengsha and TYM have been fixed.
- Texture tiling issues in Adam's apartment and other parts of Detroit
have been fixed.
- Issues relating to sounds becoming 'stuck' have been fixed.
- A bug that could cause music to not play during the "walk and talk"
intro sequence has been fixed.
- Audio glitches between level loads have been fixed.
- A bug causing the "incoming commentary" trigger to activate when the
commentary system is disabled has been fixed.
- A bug causing music to stall when alt-tabbing has been fixed.
- A setup dialogue allowing changes outside the game has been added.
- Text-language selection option has been added/fixed.
- Issues with language-switching not functioning properly have been
- Some performance optimizations have been added.
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